Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Weight Loss Diet Plan

Weight loss is a subject that is frequently talked about. Almost everyone that I know
is on some type of diet. And even though most people in the world are on some type of diet
if the majority of us are overweight. Obesity is reaching epidemic proportions especially in
this country. And for most of us it is not from a lack of effort. Friends of mine are on low calorie
diets, some are on low carbohydrate diets while others are turning to vegetarianism.

And for the exercise people are doing all types of high-intensity programs and in spite of all
this we are all still overweight. Personally, I believe that one of the reasons is that the quality
of food is very poor now. A head of broccoli does not have as much vitamins minerals and
nutrients as it did when our great-grandparents ate the same vegetable. The soil has
become totally depleted of all healthy nutrients. On top of that the food that we are now
eating as a loaded with pesticides and other types of chemicals.

Not only does it make the foods not nutritious but consuming these type of foods can also be
detrimental to our health and well-being.  in spite of all of this we continue to eat these types of
foods. Hopefully, at some point in time the whole industry will be revamped. For my own household
I try to buy as much organic food as possible. This includes vegetables and also proteins such as
beef, chicken and fish.

The literature that I read online seems to suggest that in order to promote better health and wellness
and longevity of life people should be consuming approximately 1200 to 1400 calories per day.
Of course this has to be adjusted in relation to your age, sex, level of physical fitness, your daily
routine, your exercise routine and several other metrics. Overall I do believe that the majority of us
should be eating a large amount of vegetables during the day.

If you look at our bodies they tell us we are designed to consume large amount of vegetables
especially leafy green vegetables. I do believe that we are awesome then to eat a small amount
of protein. Most people are usually overeating tremendous amount of protein during the day. The
bad thing is that when you overeat protein it does convert to sugar and this can cause your body to
store body fat more easily. Most people think that eating healthy is very expensive, but on the
contrary it is not. You can go to any Wholesale Club store and by huge amounts of vegetables for
a small amount of money.  And you can get large bulk amounts of beef and chicken at inexpensive
prices. you just have to make sure that you have a large freezer to store all of this food.

I usually go to the Wholesale Club store. Once a month and I stock up on all my food. The only thing
that I may go back more frequently for is eggs and vegetables. For exercise I try to walk everyday if
I can. Some days if I can't when I get home after work I just set up a stationary bike in front of the
television and I pedal while I am watching TV. So I can watch TV and burn calories; it certainly
beats just laying on the sofa and storing body fat.

What I feel works best for me as far as exercise is doing my exercise on an empty stomach first thing
in the morning if I can. This doesn't always work out that way but if I can I try to exercise first thing in
the morning on an empty stomach. This is what they call doing fasting cardio. And that simply means
that you are performing your aerobic exercise on an empty stomach before you eat breakfast. I do
find that this works really well for me when I am trying to lose weight and especially when I am trying
to maintain my weight loss.

The resistance training is also good. It doesn't matter if you are using weights for resistance or rubber
tubing, resistance is resistance; body does not know the difference from one to the other.

In the past I would try to eat 5 small meals a day but as I am getting older too seems to make me
gain weight and not help me lose weight. I find that eating breakfast lunch and dinner everyday and
not snacking in between helps me lose weight and reach my weight loss goals. Sometimes when are
you trying to lose weight more quickly I will just eat two meals a day usually  lunch and dinner. If I get
hungry at another time in the day I just snack on some delicious vegetables.

What I have found is that as I get older it is becoming more and more difficult to maintain my weight
loss. For whatever reason it seems that my body just loves to get fat. If I look back, when I reach the
age of 30 that is when I started to gain weight and I found it be more difficult to lose weight and even
maintain my normal body weight. And it seems that each year that I grow older I seem to gain another
3 to 5 lb. Even though I have not really changed my diet all that much over the years I just seem to
be gaining weight.

I consulted with the weight loss specialist and the Doctor told me that it is because as we grow older
our bodies chemistry changes. The amount of hormones that we produce actually decreases over
time. The hormones are important because they help boost metabolism and they help burn up the
extra sugar that we eat during the day.

He is the one that told me we really have to focus on eating good healthy nutrition. This nutrition
should mainly consist of lots of vegetables, a modest amount of protein end good healthy fats like
olive oil and avocados. And he also suggested that I maintain a certain levels of calories.

Even though I may be eating healthy if I go over a certain amount of calories I start storing body fat.
This article is just my personal opinion based on my personal experience if you want to consult the
weight loss doctor that I saw just go to https://wakeupskinny.com/

For more information on health and wellness go to Medical Weight Loss Philadelphia